I’m doing lots of things to my Web site…
First, I’m (finally) starting to integrate the rest of my Web site’s content with this blog format. This will make it easier for you to get around by giving you a consistent interface. You can also post comments to my articles and speeches. With a few exceptions, the links to the new pages will be the same as the old. Where there are differences, I’ll add a page that will redirect you to the new one. It will take time to move everything over, so please check back often and thank you for your patience.
Second, I’ve changed to graphic ads instead of the old, boring text ones. The ads help me cover the cost of the site. If you enjoy the content from my site, please click an ad.
Look for more features in the future, including information about my new novel. If you have any feedback and suggestions about the changes to the site, feel free to post a comment. Thank you for your support of my Web site.