In this excerpt from Doria, President Felipe Sérigo gives a speech about what he believes is the true meaning of May Day:
“May Day was born because brave men and women dared to speak out for a better life for themselves and their families. The names of those people are lost to history, but their deeds live on and inspire us…”
“That’s the important thing we need to remember about May Day. You read the textbooks, and it would seem that history is made by great men while you the people – supposedly a nameless, faceless force – follow blindly. That’s not true. Quite often, you the people take the lead while we leaders scramble to catch up.”
Some chuckles emerged from the crowd. In the dignitary section, Ambassador Zhukov scratched his head and grimaced.
“You, the people – you’re the ones who shape history. You shape it with the things you do, big and small, every day. By raising your children, working in the factories and fields, shopping for your meals – everything you do and every decision you make determines the direction of history. The best that a leader can do is to set the course. Ultimately, you’re the ones with the power to decide which way our nation goes.”
Many people in the audience nodded and voiced their agreement.
“I ask that, as we move ahead through history, we act with concern for our children. Let us think about the children we saw here on the floor today, the children who are yet to come, and the children who will be here soon…”
“Let us always strive to make Doria a better country for them. Let us give them the security, comfort, and opportunity that were denied to us. More importantly, let us live in peace with each other and with the world as a whole. This is what our revolution is all about. This is why we sacrifice and suffer now so our children and their children won’t have to…”
[…] History is made by people. Because people are weak, flawed, and conflicted, so are the nations we create. But we are also capable of redemption and renewal. Confronting the ugliness in our national history can help us look at and overcome the ugliness in our own lives. Facing the truth is the only way we can become exceptional. So, I look forward to John Green’s Crash Course American History with this in mind. /* […]